International Bad Movie Party 21: June 10, 2023
BMP History made in 2022!
Professor... Andrew Wadsworth Lettington won yet another - a
5th iBMP. Lettington is on a tear, having won 4 out of the
last 6 iBMP's! The Early Years The Creator and his three followers have relocated to Basel, Switzerland, It took awhile, but he met some full blown whack-a-loons in Basel; and after much wrangling with the US contingent, he has (as always) created The International Bad Movie Party (iBMP). It is scheduled for Saturday, June 10, 2023 @ 5:00 p.m. UK time, 12:00 p.m. EST. The IBMP is a creation of The Creator (who just keep creating, by the way) and will have humans participating who originate from Cambodia, Italy, Greece, UK, USA, Morocco, Algeria, Poland, and Germany!
This event was, largely, created out of the ingrained angst possessed by The Creator. The Creator realized at an early age that the world just didn't fit into the organized, structured, assembly line order that the religion thrust upon him. No, no, as he grew, the world became larger and larger, and he became a little thinker.
One Sunday morning, circa 1976, The Creator had finally finished counting the tiles atop the ceiling of the church he had been forced to attend. It had taken 17 individual masses for him to complete this task, as well as, multiple reference points to maintain accuracy. But after the 4,137th powder blue tile was counted, he decided that he had enough. Life was far too confusing and there was a need to make sense of it. The mission to find the truth had begun.
Coming of Age Many years have passed since the Creator's traumatic tile-counting experience. Since that time, however, The Creator has become a keen observer of the vagaries and insanities of life.
The next generation of the BMP - The IBMP has arrived!
The above list embodies the lunacy that exists on our lonely little planet. In order to balance all of this out - in order to remain what is in the court of law called a "Reasonable Person," The Bad Movie Party was dreamt up by The Creator. Incredibly, It is now in its eleventh iteration; and if you are reading this document, you have most likely been invited to attend this year's gathering.
The Truth The Creator has not yet determined the definitive truth; he, however, continues to seeks it. He has found some solace in Sam Harris's epic book, "The End of Faith"; however, nothing seems to have helped more than a good old BMP.
So, for him, truth is found by assembling once a year with worthless movies in hand for a once a year BMP. That's right, the truth is found in piss-poor art, my Royal Subjects. It is incumbent upon you all to locate the very worst of mankind's art and present it to us for sanity's sake. The Creator looks forward to seeing everyone once again on June 8, 2019 for the 18th installation of the BMP/IBMP (hosted in Basel, Switzerland).
Be well, work hard, and peruse the rest of this site at your convenience.